Wednesday, June 30, 2010


It's the middle of the week and I am so ready for Saturday to get here! Okay okay I must admit...I love Twilight. There I said it, it's out there...if you are a hater that's fine haha. Anyway the third movie Eclipse came out this morning at 12:01 and I'm going to see it Saturday morning! EEE So excited haha. I posted links for the soundtrack, the book...and Stephenie Meyers newest book that is a part of Eclipse. If you want go buy's a very intense Saga that you can't put down until it's done, and it has a wonderful love story in it :) Anyway! Back to other Thyroid Diet matters! So yesterday and Monday evening I was really sick...definitely was not able to work out, but I did this now today is Day 1 again...haha, let's see if I can make it through these 14 days on TTapp! Also, Monday morning I weighed 280.8 and I wanted to be at 278 by Friday. Well this morning when I weighed it said....279.4! I lost exactly half of what I wanted to lose this week and I'm in the 270s!!! AHHHH! I'm thrilled, and I hope I can still lose that extra 1.4 lbs by Friday!

Okay a lot of you have been asking me these questions: 1. "What supplements are you taking to help with your weight loss?" and 2. "What are you doing different that I'm not doing?" And here are your answers...1. I'm not taking any supplements for weight loss, in fact the only supplements I take are Evening Primrose Oil, which does nothing for weight loss...but it's supposed to help your hair grow back. 2. Obviously I can't see what you guys do every day, but here's what I'm doing...I stick to the diet like we're handcuffed together. And that's it. Also...I have a lot more weight to lose than most of you, so it's going to come off me faster than it is someone who needs to lose 50ish lbs. I'm very proud of all of you who are attempting to lose thyroid lbs, those who have lost weight, and whoever isn't even ready to begin this diet! You guys can do this, whenever you are ready to...and just keep swimming ;-) Until next time!


  1. Great job!! You Are such an inspiration!

  2. You are doing great Molly and are an inspiration for many of us. I have decided to follow the freeform diet from Mary's book and am planning to start soon - I need to make sure I have the groceries I on hand. I'm also going to order the TTapp and start that. I have approx. 230 lbs to lose and am a little scared to start but know I need to do this for my health. Thanks for all you do! Prayers are certainly appreciated!

  3. Jerilyn -- Thank you!!!

    Linda -- Thank you! Woo hoo! Let me know how it goes for you! Don't be scared you can so do this! And I'll be here to encourage you! Keep me updated!
