Monday, June 14, 2010


HAPPY MONDAY!!!! Hope everyone had a great weekend! I DID! Friday night my cousin came over and we watched movies, had incredibly delicious salads from Macaroni Grill....and we split a piece of cheesecake! haha, it was amazing and that ended up being my treat for the weekend! Saturday we went car hunting (I got sooo sunburned haha 10:30am-7pm shopping...ew) and Sunday was just a very nice relaxing day.

 So let me backtrack...Cory and I have never had new cars...both of our first cars were 96s (10 years old at the time) next one was a 95 then we sold those and got a 2005 Chevy Trailblazer last November. It was big and pretty and I loved it...until the second week. Our car wouldn't stop dying! We kept taking it to Carmax and they continuously told us it was fine...and so did Champion Chevrolet who had it for a week! It wouldn't stop dying though and the check engine light was always got to the point where they refused to help us because they "had already said 5 times that it was fine!" (how rude) Also, we were supposed to be getting either 18 or 20 hwy miles to the gallon...and we were averaging 10-12. yay. haha! So Saturday we went car shopping just to start getting a feel for what we wanted and ended up finding the perfect one and buying a 2010 Toyota Corolla! It's SOOOO pretty and it gets an average of 30 mpg. LOVE that. we got a great deal on it (I still can't believe it) they took the Trailblazer off our hands and let me tell you I love having a car that doesn't die every day! Yay us! Best part: even though it's brand new...we're going to be saving money on it! I know right??

Important K (Katie) is having/or already had surgery today! I believe she is having her thyroid and lymph nodes removed. (sorry K if I got that wrong) So please, please be praying for her! We pray for a safe operation and fast recovery for you doll!

Okay now for my weight...this is the first weekend in a long time that I didn't gain from having my treats :) I didn't lose either but that's fine! So I still weigh 285 :) I'm hoping to lose 2 lbs this week, so I need to be 283 by Friday! Let's see how it goes. This week I am not going to be increasing my time on the elliptical I'm just going to try to keep it at 20 minutes every day! Anyway I hope you all had a great weekend! Have an amazing week! Until next time ;-)


  1. Way to go Molls!! That is awesome!! You are doing a great job setting realistic goals and sticking to what have set out to do. I am so proud of you. Keep up the great work!
    Love you,

  2. Hi Molly! Congrats on your new car!! That is great :)
    I am doing very good. My steri-strips came out almost a week ago and my scar is tiny (1 inch) and it is almost un-noticeable even now...yay! I also starter working out and dieting last week and feel really good. I haven't lost any weight though, but I am not panicking (yet) because it is a certain time of the month and also it's only been 2 weeks since I started taking my synthroid. Do you think that is why?
    On a side note, my voice is still pretty weak and I sound very hoarse. I'll see my surgeon on wed. and will ask him about it...he didn't touch any nerves so I guess it will eventually come back? What do you think? :o/
    Anyhow, big hugs to you and yay for cheesecake! ;)

  3. Molly, thanks for the inspiration you are! Congrats on sticking with it!

  4. Kate -- Thank you so much sister!!! I love you so much!

    Lucia -- Thank you!! Yay for almost no scar!! That's incredible! Oh yea definitely don't fret about not losing weight right now, with that time of the month and with only starting synthroid 2 weeks ago. It's supposed to take 3 weeks to start working at all, so give it about 3-4 more weeks before you feel awesome (if this is the right dose for you) If he didn't touch any nerves I definitely think your voice will come back :) No worries, you just had surgery lady! haha! Hugs!

    Linda -- Thank you so much you are too sweet!

  5. Molly! Hahaha. I know, right? I have to keep reminding myself..."you just had surgery" :) Thank you so much! I hope you have a wonderful day. Hugs.

  6. Congrats on the new car - nothing beats that New Car Smell - they should bottle it!
    And well done for making a sensible decision on your use of the elliptical. I was concerned for you that trying to increase by a minute each day might have been a little ambitious. I know that for me if I try to do too much exercise and it starts to hurt too much, then it de-motivates me to keep going. Best of luck with your weight loss this week, we all know you can do it!
    Seind good wishes for your friend, K x

    @Lucia - it sounds like we had our ops around a similar time? My thyroidectomy was just over 2 weeks ago, on the 31st May - how are you doing?

  7. Fuzzy -- Thank you! I know I love that smell!! haha Yea all I wanted was to get to 20 min on the elliptical, but I didn't want to do one huge drastic jump so I thought last week I could add a minute. Yesterday was pretty intense on the 20 min, but today I felt awesome! yay! Thank you again!

  8. @ Fuzzy - Yes, my thyroidectomy was on the 28th. I am doing really good all things considered and I am looking forward to the weeks to come when my synthroid kicks in completely :) How are you?

  9. fightinhypo (melissa)June 15, 2010 at 8:13 PM

    Hi Molly congratulations on your new car!!! I love love Toyotas that's all I have ever owned. Thanks so much on your answer about protein shakes, I actullay have some that contain no soy what so ever. The reason I was asking is because I had been working out with a personal trainer and he had me on an extremely strict diet. I was losing weight but not myself. Looking back I was already hypo I just didn't know it at the time. And I am thinking of going back on that same didn't. Keep up the great job you are doing Molly. And my prayers are with everyone.

  10. fightinhypo (melissa)June 15, 2010 at 8:15 PM

    OOps I meant to type diet. Thinking about going back on that same diet. Have a wonderful diet week!!!


    Melissa -- Thank you so much! I know a lot of people who have Toyotas and I always hear how great they are. Of course! OH that's awesome if they don't have soy! Yea I think those should be fine to take then as long as you're still working out. Because if you take those and don't work out you can gain a lot of weight, and we definitely don't need help with that, right? haha Let me know how the diet goes if you get back on it! Best of luck!!!

  12. Congrats on both the new car and the no weight gain! One of the things that always makes me nervous is when something is wrong with my car. It's worse when they can't figure out what it is. Sounds like you got a great deal. It's always nice when you have a week where you don't lose any ground when it comes to losing weight. Way to go!

  13. Cerridwen -- YAY! Thank you! I know! We got a big car so when we started having kids it would be safe! And then it kept dying so definitely opposite of safe! haha Thank you so much!

  14. Hi Molly you had to get a new car for the NEW you!you doing grand! ive stuck at the same weight for two weeks now so its a bit of a disapointment,but heh at least l haven't put on..l read that you had cheese cake as a treat! and l cant have any treats or stuff...still it ain't shifting! BUT lm so pleased for you..keep disapearing!!

  15. Donna -- Just be happy you aren't gaining, like you said! Maybe try adding in a little more water? See if that helps at all! Best of luck!
