Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Happy Tuesday! haha it is so weird that today isn't Monday. I've been so off all day! Well I hope you all enjoyed your weekend, whether it was a 2-day or 3-day. When I weighed this morning it said 289.8, so I ended up gaining .4 lbs which is okay, it will be gone! I'm actually planning on weighing -at least- 286 by Friday. I've been at this 289 stage for the last couple Mondays (in this case Tuesday), and I want to get away from it...pretty much right now. haha.

So Sunday I was laying there and thinking about everything going on with the Thyroid Diet, and how my body is changing and I decided I'm going to change some things. I know that I'll be happy once I hit 230 -though I am definitely not stopping there- and so I keep focusing on that and thinking to myself, "Yea you're looking better but you still don't look good." I AM SO DONE WITH THAT! I am now telling myself every time I see myself in a mirror how awesome I look, and I'm believing it! You can say anything, but if you don't believe it what is the point? Your body knows if you hate the way it looks, and your body definitely knows if you're lying. Because of this little change I can see a difference in the way I carry myself, the way I interact with others and of course, in the way I look :) LOVE THAT! The other thing I'm changing is how much stress I am causing myself, over nothing! So I definitely get excited when my treat comes on the weekends, but at the same time I am SO stressed out over them. While they taste good, I freak out before, during and after I eat it because of how much I'll probably gain over them. I just need to realize that I did awesome that week, and that I deserve my treats! So I tell myself that when the weekend comes and my treat is here I'll lose weight while eating it! haha :) And I'm seriously not scared of my treat anymore!!! I'm still only going to have my treat on the weekend as I have been doing, but this gives me a much better feeling about when it does come and I hope my body will respond to it better since I'm not stressing over it.

Anyway hope you are all doing well, and let's see if I can get to 286 by Friday! woo 3.8 lbs I can do this! haha ;-) Until next time!


  1. You can do it!!! I'm hoping to lose 1lb by Friday! Let's do it together.

  2. Hi Molly
    Keep up the good work.
    You have given me the motivation to read Living Well With Hypothyroidism, which I have had for some time. I also have The Thyroid Diet - it will be next.
    I live in a small country town on the Victoria/New South Wales border in Australia.
    During my last full term pregnancy I develop a goiter. After my sons birth I was underactive.
    Since then I have had many miscarriages, anyway I had my thyroid removed nearly 3 years ago only because of the goiter, as they can get bigger as you get older. And I had alot of choking like episodes and now I feel that sometimes I cant clear my throat.
    I hope to start losing weight once I read the Throid Diet.
    Cheers Kathy

  3. Molly! I'm back - thyroid free :D
    How have you been? I hope you had a great weekend. Surgery went well. The doctors and nurses were just unbelievably wonderful and took such good care of me. They discharged me the next morning and after a few days at home with my personal nurses (mom, fiancee and doggy) I am finally feeling close to 100%. I know it will take more time to get back to "normal" activities but this morning I feel so happy! I even like the little patch over my neck, I've decided is my little "I'm strong and special like heck print" :) My doctor didn't use stitches so I only have little pieces of steri-strips (mini surgery tape) over the incision, they should peel off this weekend. Woo hoo! He also told me I can go back to the working out a little next week and even floating in the pool. Anyhoo - just wanted to update you. You have been so wonderful to me! And reading your special mentions about my surgery helped me and warmed up my heart. Thanks Molly!! -Lucia

  4. Thank you Anonymous!! Let me know if you lose that pound! GOOD LUCK!

    Kathy -- Yay I'm glad you're reading those! They are so amazing, as you can see they are changing my life! That is so sad about the goiters and miscarriages. I'm so sorry! I'm glad you've had those removed now! Have you tried getting pregnant since then? As far as I know I've only been pregnant once, and I miscarried. It was heartbreaking so my heart goes out to you. Good luck with the books and Thyroid Diet :)

    Lucia -- YAY you're back!!! I'm so glad you're feeling better and I'm glad the surgery went well! We were all praying for you! Haha I LOVE THAT!!! (about the patch) I'm so glad things are going well ahh! Just don't work out until you totally feel like it, you don't want to push anything! I'm glad you're back :) Best of luck getting back to your old self again. oh wait...no scratch that...best of luck becoming the new you :) I'm so excited for you!

  5. Hi Molly, its Jen.... just wanted to say Hi, and to encourage you... I need to actually take my own encouragement. Just went to the gym, and had to lift weights and face the mirror, the WHOLE time I did not want to look at myself, and telling myself I looked awful, and ugly.... I need to get out of this negative thinking! I remember giving you advice about saying you are beautiful etc NOW and I cannot treat myself the same way!! arrghh! Its a learning process aye!?? Just a question do you always have snacks throughout the day? I find it hard to eat the veges throughout the day apart from in my sandwich....

    Jen :)

  6. Hi Molly!! KEEP IT UP, you are such an inspiration!! I live in Paris France, and believe it or not, it is a very stresspful stressful place to be especially if yo weigh as much as i do. anyway I weighed 85kg on the 20th of may and today 1June i weigh 84!!YEAH! yes slow but it is something. I read the thyroid diet and been trying to follow it!! with taking brisk walks too! for the past couple of days I am having that bone numbing tiredness and feel really swollen....i can tell because my boobs have GROWN alot!!! i feel really weak........well I will trudge on!! DE COURAGE MOLLY!! ..Diane

  7. Hey Molly long time no talk it's me Brenda! Lot going on over here....I've been going to Dr. appt.'s for the past 2 1/2 weeks....pre- op labs and all kinds of stuff....I am having surgery on Monday 06.07.10 so please keep me in prayer....I am so happy for you...You are really rockin" this diet!! Once this surgery is behing me I plan on hitting it hard and sticking to it.....I kinda strayed ...too much on my mind....but I'm ok I just want to get the surgery done and over with already! God Bless you take care and keep on with the diet!!

  8. Jen -- Oh man I totally understand! It's hard but you just have to keep remembering that you are incredibly gorgeous! And tell yourself that every time you see yourself in a mirror! It really helps. No if I think I might be having a large salad, or something with a lot of vegetables with my dinner that night then I usually don't eat vegetables throughout the day as snacks. I will only eat breakfast lunch and then dinner. And if you like cucumbers, those are a great way to have your veggies throughout the day. Let me know if you're able to change it! Good luck!

    Diane -- I changed that into pounds so I knew exactly how much you lost but YAY! you lost a little over 2 pounds!!!! That's awesome! Hey if it's anything lost that's wonderful. It's so much better than gaining right?? Good job with following the thyroid diet and taking the walks, that is awesome! I hate having that pain in your body! It makes everything so hard. Just make sure you take care of yourself so you don't overdo anything. Good luck! maybe take a day or two off of walking to give your body some time to heal. Thank you for your wonderful encouragement! Keep me updated on your success!

  9. Brenda -- oh wow your surgery is this coming Monday! I will be praying for you good luck! It's always crazier before the surgery..I hope things will calm down for you after and you'll be able to start feeling better! Make sure you give yourself enough time after your surgery to feel 100% before you start anything again. and good luck once you do start again! I'm really excited to see how everything works out for you Brenda! Keep me updated on how you feel!

  10. Molly, I have been reading this blog for about a month. What an encouragement! I have been hypo for 20 years and have struggled so much with weight gain. Doctors (several) haven't helped me at all except for giving me synthroid. I was so excited to read about the thyroid diet. I got the book from the library, copied your list of what to eat and what not to eat and started last week. I have been doing Weight Watchers and it has been so hard to lose 1 pound every two weeks while my friends lose 2 pounds a week. It is amazing to see the scale moving this week - 5 pounds with nothing different except eating the foods from the yes list and someone caring enough to share that info with me. Thank you so much. May God bless you as you have blessed me. I love this blog! Sharon

  11. Sharon!!! That's amazing 5 pounds in a week when WW wasn't working! Don't you love the Thyroid Diet? You are so sweet and thank you for your kind words :) You definitely warmed my heart! haha good luck and PLEASE keep me updated on how you do!
