Friday, May 21, 2010


Alright alright! It's finally Friday! :) Yesterday went pretty well I lost an additional 1.4 pounds :) I weigh 289.4! I would love to say good bye 290s but my treat is coming up tomorrow, and I don't want to discourage myself by saying that and then possibly gaining weight this weekend. (not that I'm going to try to gain weight, but you just never know when you give yourself your treat) I also measured myself today and I lost 6.5 inches all over this last week! (-1 bust, -.5 waist, -.5 abs, -.5 butt, -1.5 each upper thigh, -.5 each calf) And I realized that I was wrong last week, last week I said I lost 6.5 as well, but I lost 1.5 in each of my calves, and only counted it as 1.5 and not 3 (I did the same with my lower thigh) so I actually lost 9 inches all over the week before. :) Which means I've lost 15.5 inches in the last two weeks...I really wish I knew how much I lost the first month on this diet! But oh well, I'm still incredibly excited. Hope you all have a great weekend, I'm definitely ready for mine I got super sick this morning...blah! I'll be on to respond to comments and such but there probably wont be another post until Monday. Until next time!


  1. I came across this and thought I would share. Heather

    World Thyroid Day 25th May

    World Thyroid Day, May 25, was established in 2008 for the purpose of promoting awareness of thyroid disease among the world's population as part of a campaign led by the European Thyroid Association (ETA; and the American Thyroid Association (ATA;

    Thyroid disease afflicts people of all ages and can damage the growth and development of the mind and body of babies and children. Among all races, nationalities, and both genders, thyroid disease is an increasingly recognized global problem. Thyroid failure remains one of the major international causes of reduced intelligence and thyroid cancer is one of the most increasing of all human cancers. The aim of World Thyroid Day is to emphasize how common such thyroid diseases are and to focus the urgent need for education and prevention programs to overcome these major afflictions. Through the establishment of World Thyroid Day, we hope to propagate increased knowledge among physicians and the public regarding the complexity of thyroid disease pathology, and its treatment, and to draw attention to the need for increased research to offer the millions of thyroid patients improved care both now and in the future. Media activities will occur on this day throughout Europe and North America to increase political and public attention on thyroid disease worldwide.

    You can learn more about thyroid disease and what you can do to support education, thyroid research, and patient care and public awareness at our websites shown above.

    Leonidas Duntas

    On behalf of the Public Affairs Board President
    of the European Thyroid Association Terry F. Davies, MD

    President, American Thyroid Association

    Privacy Policy | Terms & Conditions | Contact Us Copyright © 2009 American Thyroid Association. All rights reserved.

  2. Yay Molly! I'm doing a little dance for you :D

  3. Thanks Rachie Poo!

    Heather -- Thanks for that I had no idea about that day! But I'm super excited about it, 4 more days!!!

  4. Molls, I am so proud of you!!! You look great!! 15.5 inches in 2 weeks - my word!! I loved getting to see pictures. Good job, sis!

    I loved what you wrote about Michael... that was funny. What is so cool is that in the same way that people on The Biggest Loser are an inspiration to you, you are such an inspiration to others as well.

    Love you!

  5. Hi Molly,
    WAY TO GO!! it is sooo encouraging to see your progress!! I have fighting the weight for 5 years now and it is soooooooooooooooooooooooo frustating!! got the book, got a new doc, i just hope even a POUND can go away. I am so sick of people always talking about how I should eat, what I should eat, or how I should excercice......its as if I sit and eat non-stop all day everyday and..;uggghhhhh!! sorry about that!!
    have a great weekend. I know this is a bit personal but could you maybe post a week menu and exercise routine so tha i can follow it?? please please............

  6. Molly, you are doing so great! I am inspired by you; just as Kathryn says above - you ae inspiring many people. I am still working on getting started. I know I should just start but then I am afraid of failing. I need to get the food in the house that will work for this lifestyle change. Thanks!

  7. hi molly just got a blog! l weigh in on Monday!!!OM Goodness! will probably have put on!! lt was THAT week this week the same as many of your bloggers! so l will have to see what happens..l typed and typed then lost it all! and how comes when l type it is all neat and yet when l preview it is all messy and jumbled up with words sticking out in the wrong place? all this stress isnt good for my adrenals!! l made a link to you .But how do l link to amazon to show where to GET THE BOOK?
    l am not that computer literate and to coin a phrase BRAIN DEAD! sorry to offend anyone but trueful .be good theres another goal coming!

  8. Way to GO Molly!!!! Way to Kick that thyroid's ass........sorry but way to GO!!! Keep up the good job!! You are such an inspration to me. :)

  9. You Rock Molly! I'm so glad I found your blog from the Mary Shoman e-newsletter. I may have to copycat you and turn my pathetic blog into more of a diary which includes my thyroid/health struggles. I've had the Thyroid Diet book for nearly 2 years but I haven't really gotten down and dirty with it. Basically I know it will be a HUGE lifestyle change and I wasn't ready for it...until now. Being a carb loving vegetarian (LOADS of soy) its going to be a huge adjustment. I've been very active, running 2 miles at least 3 times a week and doing various on-demand workouts. Mostly the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. Love it, by the way. I just ordered a Bodybugg and I plan to get the diet together over the next 2 weeks. In the meantime I'll keep working out and start cutting out the soy and cutting back on the carbs. Wow! Sorry to unload. Thanks for being such an inspiration!

  10. Kate -- Thank you so much sister I love you that was the sweetest :) I hope I'm 100 lbs lighter from where I was at the girls weekend when I see you next time!

    MissD -- Thank you so much! I know I was so frustrated with my Doctors telling me not to diet because it would mess things up, and that I would have to eat about 100-200 calories a day to lose weight (great I have to be anorexic basically)So I'm so glad I found the book and I really hope it works for you. Okay well a week worth will be easy because I eat the same thing every day! (I like routine.)
    Sunday-Friday I eat:
    Breakfast: 1/2 whole wheat english muffin, with 1 tsp of butter on it. A small apple and 4 oz of 2% milk.
    Lunch: 1/2 whole wheat english muffin, with 1 tbsp peanut butter on it. And one string cheese.
    Dinner (I have one of two things): 1. 4 oz of red meat with vegetables and a fat (fat is always either 1 tsp of butter or 5 lg black olives) 2. 6 oz of chicken with vegetables and 1 tsp of melted butter on top.
    Vegetables: I don't do the recommended 6 servings, I was...and I felt like I was going to die from eating so much. But for dinner I like to have either broccoli, cauliflower or green beans. And then in between Breakfast and Lunch...and Lunch and Dinner I eat cucumbers. So I usually get around 4-5 servings a day (1 cup of chopped vegetables is 2 servings)
    ** Mary's book it says red meat isn't a lean meat...which it's not. But when I talked to her she said if you're so used to eating it a lot it would be bad to cancel it from your diet. So that's why I still eat it...just definitely not as much.
    Saturday: Saturday is my treat day so I eat a lot differently. I'll usually have some string cheese in the morning...and maybe a few olives but then that's it...I eat my treat, which always changes...and that's all for the day.
    Working out: Monday through Friday I walk two miles a day and Saturday I walk 1 mile. Sunday nothing. Hope this helps and good luck!

    Linda -- I'll be praying for just definitely need to jump in. I had tried so many things with no success whatsoever. And this was my last resort diet. I didn't know if it would work but I just had to take a giant leap and then hit the ground running.Good luck Linda

    Donna -- I'm super excited for you and good luck with the blog! Through this blog there's a way to sign up with Amazon Associates, it's free and with that you can post links through amazon! Don't worry it took me a few weeks of staring at this site to figure that one out...I just kept clicking things haha

    Fightinhypo -- Haha you totally cracked me up! Thank you so much I'm definitely putting in 200% and I'm hoping it keeps up!!!

    Numberonebun -- Thank you so much! Woo now is definitely the time to jump into the book! Do you have a thyroid problem? I just was wondering because I didn't know if you know that soy and soy products are really bad for thyroid patients :( if you did know that then just forget I said anything but yes definitely work on cutting it out! And yes it is a big lifestyle change...but for me nothing else worked and I hated where I was. So I took a deep breath and went for it. Good job on the workouts! Jillian Michaels is intense! haha. Good luck! Let me know how everything goes when you get it all together!

  11. Oops! I forgot to mention that I am hypothyroid. The soy news is somewhat new to me. What a disappointment!!! I should have studied up on it much earlier, but like many of us I'm sure, I was told to take my meds and all would be fine. 2 year later...not so fine. But I'm super excited to get going.

  12. Oh yea definitely check some stuff out about soy and thyroid problems! I think all of our doctors tell us the same thing about taking the meds...and they all lie! :( haha Good luck!

  13. first of all - congrats!
    secondly - could you start posting what you eat every day? i'm amazed at how fast you're losing weight - i've been on a doctor prescribed diet for a month and have only lost 3 pounds!

  14. Hi anonymous, the reason I don't post it as an actual post is because I literally eat the same thing every day. So it would just be boring for all of you to read :) You guys would be able to say it before I wrote it haha! Okay but Saturday: I have my treats so whatever that pretty much all I eat.
    Sunday - Friday:
    Breakfast: 1/2 whole wheat english muffin with 1 tsp of butter 1 small apple and 4 oz of 2% milk.
    Lunch: 1/2 whole wheat english muffin with 1 tbsp peanut butter and 1 string cheese
    Dinner: 4 oz of red meat OR 6 oz chicken or turkey. with dinner my fat changes from, 1 tsp of butter, 5 lg black olives, mayo, or avocado. and I have 1 cup of veggies
    Snacks: I snack on cucumbers, broccoli, cauliflower or green beans during the day to get my fill of vegetables. I usually have 4-5 servings a day instead of the recommended 6. The 6 servings were too much food for me. Hope that helps. If you have thyroid problems doing a diet that anyone else can do usually doesn't work for us. The foods on the Thyroid Diet are all thyroid friendly foods and I think that's the huge change. good luck!

  15. You are doing so well! Sounds like you are not eating very much! Do you know how many calories you are taking in a day?

  16. Hey Molly!
    I am sorry I didn't commented on your pics before. You look great!!! You are such an inspiration and a champion! I know you don't know me but I am very proud of you and all your accomplishments. I am sure that you will reach your goals in no time, but never forget how great and pretty you are already :) I hope you had a wonderful weekend. I am in the countdown to surgery - getting a little nervous, but kind of excited too.

  17. Jill -- Thank you! It really depends, some days it's only 800, some days it's 1200, depending on what protein I have with dinner, and what kind of veggies I eat! But I'm almost always satisfied at the end of the day because I eat so many vegetables that I feel overly full.

    Lucia -- Thank you so much you are too sweet! And I am definitely counting down the days to your surgery as well! It's on my calendar, the 28th right? I'm praying for you!

  18. Yes Molly! It is the 28th, thanks for remembering! It means a lot :)
    I'll keep you posted for sure. And thanks again my favorite thyroid buddy ever :D

  19. Hahah you are too cute! Well I'm praying and I'll put something about it in my post probably the day before&of the surgery so everyone can be praying! Good luck lets hope this surgery is the beginning of great things for you!
