Friday, July 16, 2010


Happy Friday! I weighed in this morning at 278.0, so I didn't lose as much as I wanted this week, but at least I lost at all! I had my Dr appointment with my Endo today, and it went pretty well! My T4 and T3 are normal, but on the high side of the normal range and my TSH is <.006. After finding out I've lost so much weight my Dr wasn't worried about the TSH level at all. She thinks the only reason it switched over to hyper was because of the big weight loss, which was my thought process too! I said I want to go really slow with the transition to get it to normal, and she said that was fine! (Because I'm afraid if we do a leap I'll start gaining weight again) So I'm going to continue to do a 275mcg Mon-Sat and then on Sunday I will only take 200mcg. So YAY! She was great, and I was really excited :) Anyway I hope you are all doing well and have a fabulous weekend! Until next time ;-)


  1. Jeanette YarbroughJuly 16, 2010 at 12:54 PM

    Yay!! Are you on a T4 only medication? How the heck do you find the energy to exercise? lol What was your TSH before? Hope you have a blessed Friday! :)

  2. if this is u molly i too have hypothroidism i have had it for the past 8 years and i have know just lost 33lbs in the past 4 months.4 months ago my weight was 215 and i know weigh 187 iam 29 years i was 23 years old when i found out i had this thryroid after i gave birth too my son

  3. oh honey you have such a huge dose ! i get hyper on 100 :D and i lost weight with armour ! niceeee

  4. Jeanette -- I am only on T4 medication (my T3 med I was on did absolutely NOTHING for me!) and trust me dear most days I have NO energy to exercise, today was definitely one of them. GROSS! My TSH before was 2.? so it wasn't bad but they were afraid to change the dose, and before that it was in the 30s I believe? Something crazy. But my meds are working now and I'm so so excited! Hope you're doing well!

    Anonymous -- OH WOW! Congratulations on the weight loss that is incredible! And I'm so sorry that you've had to deal with this it is crazy how pregnancy can bring this on. How are is your thyroid currently?

    Saby -- Armour seems to be awesome for so many people on here that's great! My Dr said now that I'm finally absorbing my meds she wants to keep me on these which is fine by me! Haha yea I think my dose is pretty intense too sometimes, but I got a lotttttta woman to get meds going through so I guess it makes sense haha!
