Monday, July 5, 2010


Happy Monday! Hope you all had a great 4th of July! My husband is out of town for the week and I'm so bummed :( Okay you guys are going to think I'm crazy but I totally forgot to weigh this morning! I had to rush to get ready to go to work then I had to say bye to the hubbs and when I got to work I was like DANGG! :( Sorry everyone! But I will say I had a little more than just my treat this weekend :( We'll see what happens. Also I have a guest coming in tomorrow so I don't know if I'll have much time to get on and blog! I'll try but no promises, so if you don't see anything this week I'll be back next week! Hope you all have a wonderful day! Until next time :)


  1. Well according to your last post you are doing great!!! The 4th weekend was hard for me! Im sure for everyone. Hope the rest of you your week is good!

  2. Hey Molly! I hope you are having a wonderful week :) Just wanted to say woo hoo on all your accomplishments. I am doing well. My voice is way better and I keep working out every day. It is going to be 6 weeks since I started. Yay! I have my endo appointment next week and hopefully will get good news. So far so good my friend. I will keep you posted. Also, I am planning on starting the south beach diet next week. I have been very careful all these weeks with my meals, but I want to kick my metabolism's tail ;) Big hugs and have a great rest of the week.

  3. Megan -- sorry the 4th was hard for you! It's just so hard when everyone is eating so much and you are surrounded by tons of good food! You can do it though!

    Lucia -- I did thank you!! YAY! Go you! I'm glad your voice is better wow 6 weeks already?! HEY! My endo appt is this week too! Let me know what yours says! Good luck with South Beach keep me posted! Hugs!
