Friday, October 29, 2010


HAPPY FRIDAY! I am so excited today is Friday! The last few weekends haven't been real weekends, and although we are doing stuff this weekend, we still have more time to relax! :) So how are all of you? What do you have going on for Halloween? We're just going to the in-laws to help pass out candy! (and I will be staying away from it!)

The weight loss is going wonderfully! On Wednesday, I was right where I needed to be, Thursday I was where I needed to be today, and today I'm where I need to be tomorrow! I was getting rather confused because I was putting up big numbers and today, although I still lost it was quite a small amount. I didn't let it get me down, I just went and did my 5th day of T-Tapp (which happened to be the hardest!) and got a surprise after, mother nature decided today was the day to visit. It makes a LOT of sense: weight slowed and I was starting to get worried about this weekend because yesterday I was craving chocolate, though I didn't allow myself any I was scared I wouldn't be able to hold that together this weekend! But I've started, and there are no cravings today so my hopes are high for Sunday!

I only have ONE more day of T-Tapp before I get to go to every other day! I'm so excited I've made it! I've tried to do the "6 days straight" three times before and failed by the third/fourth day. Not this time!

One last thing, and it's kind of a BIG thing. I know a lot of people that are just not happy with their lives in general, and in the now. Whatever it is, "I have a cold" (you'd be surprised how many people without diseases think colds are the end of the world), "I'm fat", "I hate my job", "I'm never going to find someone, so I'm just going to stop looking", "He broke up with me and I'm refusing to move on". We all know at least one person like that right? It's sad, I just shake my head and send a little prayer their way. Not that whatever they're complaining about will get better, but that they can see how much good there is in their lives. I get a lot of people telling me how bubbly and positive I always am, and I love hearing that because that's what I strive for and I'll tell you why!
-Yes! I have a disease that makes me feel like crap
-Yes! Because of another problem my ligaments blow out
-Yes! I have stomach problems Doctors can't figure out but you know what...there are tons of people out there that have it way worse than me. So I don't like to complain to others (yes my husband hears my struggles but that's what he's there for) great friends are there for that too, but I know they don't always want to hear what I'm dealing with. So this is how I live my life -and no, I'm not being fake to everyone, I am actually like this on the inside too because trust me it's so much better to live this way, than the other.
-Yes! I have an incredible husband
-Yes! I have wonderful friends to count on and make me laugh
-Yes! My family is amazing and they're always there for me
-Yes! I have a job and because of it I can live a life I LOVE
-Yes! I have diseases and problems but they've made me such a better person, and I've met some incredible people because of them!

Anyway, I'm not saying that I'm talking about any of you in particular, but I hope you all live your lives that way too. No one wants to live in a world where everything is against them. I'm also not saying you can never have a hard time. Every now and then I'll have a day where I just need to deal with what's going on and cry, but those days are rare, and when they're done they're done. :)

If you all could take a minute to PLEASE watch this video clip (the link is below titled Nick Vujicic), I would appreciate it. Here is a guy who has a lot to be mad about, but he is incredibly happy and he loves his life. I've actually met him twice before, I've cried every time I've heard him speak and he's just great. Hope you enjoy! Love you all! Until next time!

Nick Vujicic

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


HEY EVERYONE! How are y'all doing? It's day 3/61 and I'm doing fantastic! Weight loss is goin GREAT (actually, it's right where I wanted to be so thats awesome)! Very excited about that! I'm having fun on my little crunch time adventure! haha

Also T-Tapp is going strong! It's my 3rd day in a row and I was actually worried about it! The third day is supposed to be the hardest, and the fourth is when it begins to get easier. (actually, they say the third day is when people quit haha) So I was expecting today to be difficult, but it was actually much easier! I had to count in my head a couple times how many days I'd done it haha!

Anyway, so far so good and I'm quite excited! Thanks all for the support! You guys are wonderful.

OH! Completely unrelated, have you guys heard the new Taylor Swift album? It's seriously so good! I've always loved her, but this latest one is ten times better than her other stuff. You guys should check it out!

Okay well have a great couple days! Until next time!

Monday, October 25, 2010


Well well well, Happy Monday everyone! How did your weekend go? Mine was fabulous! Loved seeing my friend, and my husband spoiled us all weekend long! He cooked, made our margaritas, drove us wherever we wanted, did grocery runs for us, and he's just wonderful!

So today starts Day 1 of Crunch Time! I'm so excited, and I'm ready to go! I feel like the hardest part is doing T-Tapp 6 days in a row though! So encouragement would definitely help! After these first 6 days, I only have to do it every other day, (how nice is that?!) As you know I'm no longer telling you my weight, but I do need to say I'm exactly where I wanted to be today! So that's good! Anyway hope you all have a wonderful day! until next time! :)

Friday, October 22, 2010


IT'S FINALLY FRIDAY, I'M FREE AGAIN!!! Well hello everyone! hope you all enjoyed your weeks, because it's the weekenddd :) Okay lots going on in the blog today, things are about to change with the blogging. But first of all let me say that today I am 296.1, kinda going slowly but I've been pretty stressed this week and not focusing on my diet. Thankfully all the craziness of this week is done as of this morning when I left for work, and this weekend will be WONDERFUL! My best friend is flying in today and I can't wait to see her, she was my maid of honor at my wedding, and sadly that's the last time I saw her! (she's in California) so this is a much needed weekend for us, so much has happened to both of us since we last saw each other and it just got to the point where we needed each others company. So she's coming today, I'm picking her up from the airport after work and we're going to relax, get our nails done, have some margaritas (thanks to my hubby!) and I'll tell ya, I can't wait! She is leaving on Monday, and Monday is when EVERYTHING changes.

Monday -Sunday technically- is exactly two months before the honey and I go to Cali for Christmas, and so this means it's crunch time! I'm going to give 150% to the Thyroid Diet and T-Tapp work out over the next two months, and I'm HOPING things will kick off like they did when I first started the diet! My mom came to visit me at the beginning of July, and that's when I was at 280-ish (43 lbs lighter than the last time she'd seen me) and when she was coming down that escalator her jaw dropped -literally-. Well the rest of my family hasn't seen me since I was 323, and I know I'll still wow them, but I want to "wow" my mom again too! As all you know though, I've gained some weight back since then. So I need to get PAST 280 (and yes I have a certain weight I'm shooting for, but I'm not going to say) in 2 months. I'm really really hoping I can do this, because I want to see that look on their faces!

So about not telling you the weight, and here's the "blog change" I will not be telling you all how much I weigh, or how much I've lost over the next two months. I will still be blogging, but all I will say in terms of my weight loss is I'm doing good, or doing bad. My family reads my blog, and I don't want them to have any idea of what I weigh when I show up, I want it to be a surprise, I hope you can all understand that. If I see that I am doing horrible at this, and am staying the same or gaining, then I will go back to my regular blogness.Hopefully that won't happen though! SO after my family sees me I will let all of you know exactly how I did, and I promise to post a picture! Thanks to all for your support.

So as I said I am 296.1 right now and I have XX lbs to lose in two months! Let's go ME!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Half way through the weeeeeek! :) Happy Wednesday everyone! Hope you are all well! I have lost .4 pounds since Monday, I am 196.6! As I said this week is crazy, but this morning was absolutely wonderful! My Dad sent me an email about some of his grapes (from his company) that are in Austin! I was freaking out because my Dad has the BEST grapes in the world, and I haven't had them in years because I don't live near them anymore (he used to bring cases home all the time) so I went on a hunt to look for the store I had never even seen! and I found them! It may sound dumb, but I was so excited and I seriously wanted to cry! They made me feel closer to home, and to have something of my Dad's near me was just so exciting for me. Oh if you don't know, my family is in California, I'm in Texas. So anyway I bought some grapes, they've been on my desk and we've been eating them :) I've been smiling ever since I walked into the store!

Anyway just wanted to share that with you, it made my whole week! haha Have a great day! Until next time :)

Monday, October 18, 2010


HAPPY MONDAY! I hope you all had a good weekend! Mine was good, crazy and busy but good! Before I forget, in case you've never heard about T-Tapp, or don't know enough about it here's the link! T-Tapp Website! Hope that helps and definitely check it out! There are lots of DVDs to choose from, but as long as the Basic Workout is in the DVD then that's what you need! I did gain a little bit of weight this weekend, and honestly I'm not sure why because I ate great! But I went up .6 pounds back to 297.0 this morning. I didn't have a "sweet treat" at all this weekend, but I did have a little thing of nachos Friday night (those $.89 ones from Taco Bell) so I don't know what happened. Oh well just going to keep pushing through!

This week my posts might not be as long as usual, I am incredibly busy this week, next week they'll be back to normal! Have a great day! Until next time :)

Friday, October 15, 2010


HAPPY FRIDAYYYY! I'm so excited for this weekend! My husband usually works Friday nights but tonight he isn't so I get to spend it with him! And then this weekend will be a mix of hanging with friends, hanging with my husband, and then hanging with them at the same time :) It should be fun! What do all of you have going on?
So I had lost 4 pounds by Wednesday, and since then I've lost another .6 pounds, so 4.6 pounds since Monday! That's pretty fun! (I weigh 296.4 now!) Please pray for me with my control during my "treat" this weekend. I'm already craving a lot and my husband is helping me say no to things so I hope I do well when treat comes!
As you remember I tore a lateral ligament in my knee during the T-Tapp retreat last weekend, I was told to do the rehab moves for a week or so before I go back to working out (don't worry I haven't been a total couch potato, I've been doing intense cleaning in our apartment every day this week for about 3 hours a day - our apartment isn't really dirty, we're doing a "spring cleaning" type of thing haha) BUT on Sunday I'm starting T-Tapp again! I'm going to do 6 days straight, and then every other day after that. Anyone else going to start too? I'm excited to get back into it, it was so fun last weekend! Anyway I hope you all have a great next few days! Until next time :)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


IT'S WEDNESDAY!!! We're halfway through the work week and I can't wait for this weekend because I didn't get to spend last weekend with my hubby! How are all of you doing? I hope well! So I started the thyroid diet last week when I went to T-Tapp, but they had us eating more carbs and starchy foods along with desserts because of all the calories we were burning. So technically I started the Thyroid Diet on Monday morning. As I said on Monday I weighed 301.0 pounds. This morning I weighed 297.0 pounds! I've lost 4 pounds in 2 days and I am thrilled! I LOVE the Thyroid Diet, I LOVE the way I feel on it, and I LOVE looking at that scale and seeing it go down.

You know what's crazy? When I was at my lowest so far on the Thyroid Diet (277) I was standing straighter, smiling bigger, and loving myself more. Gaining 24 pounds really showed me how weight makes me feel. I wanted to hide behind my husband when we were out, I didn't want people looking at me and I definitely didn't love myself. The T-Tapp Retreat helped me love myself no matter what, but I can still tell I'm not standing as straight as I used to. So I'm going to be working on that, because even if I am morbidly obese, people don't need to see me looking frumpy, I don't need to see my looking frumpy! So that will be something I'm working on, showing my best at all times :) Anyway! I hope you all have a great next couple days, until next time!

Monday, October 11, 2010


OH MY GOODNESS! That had to have been the longest post I have ever written and it just got completely deleted! NNNOOOOOO! Okay this one won't be nearly as long or awesome but here we go ;-)

HAPPY MONDAY EVERYONE!!! I hope you all had fabulous weekends! I sure did! The retreat was more than amazing. Having Teresa break down the work outs move by move, the trainers helping you with your stance, and the huge family of T-Tappers all supporting you was incredible! The speakers were great, and I learned a lot! I ended up tearing a lateral ligament in my left knee so I was only able to do the first day of work outs but I still lost 11.3 inches! I was so shocked especially because I thought I felt heavier! Which brings up another point, Teresa says the inches are what matter, not the pounds; so measure, don't weigh. And we met so many women who have lost so many inches and dress sizes that haven't budged on their weight and they look fantastic! But since I am on the Thyroid Diet as well as T-Tapping, I will continue to do both! Also, you should see these women who have been T-Tapping for any amount of time. Their breasts LITERALLY go UP (no more sagging), their butts go up and out (in a good way) and their faces get 10-15 years younger. I met a 40 year old woman I still think is 25. T-Tapp is incredible, and you don't have to work out for however long in a day. 15 minutes every other day is what works! You all should try it! I've added the DVD I have as well as Teresa's book, which I am in the process of reading! When I hurt my knee Teresa gave me a rehab move (you can hardly call it a move, I'm just standing there) and I started doing it immediately. NO JOKE: I tore the ligament Friday night, Sunday morning I was pain free. Incredible! I even did a few work out moves this morning!

As for the Thyroid Diet, I am SO HAPPY to be back on it. I feel better about myself, and it just feels good! A big thanks to Diane who said she was starting back up with me on Thursday! (And of course everyone else who started up too!) It's not too late to start (or re-start) on your journey, start today! Thank you everyone for the encouragement and support, you and Mary have helped me so much! OH YEAH! I got to meet our fabulous Mary Shomon! She's amazing and we had a blast! I hadn't weighed myself but I told her that I thought I had gained 20 pounds since I found out I was pregnant and she says, "Why are you embarrassed? you shouldn't be!" She helped me be okay with what I had done in my healing process of the miscarriage, and actually I hadn't gained 20 pounds, I gained 24. I weigh 301, which is a little upsetting being back in the 300s but I'm going to do this! I'm IN the process of doing this! So it's not letting me get really down. I want to thank ALL of you for being there for me! You are all amazing! Have a wonderful day, until next time :)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


HELLO EVERYONE! We're half way through the work week! Thankfully it's my Friday since I am leaving early tomorrow morning for the TTapp retreat! I'm very excited for this weekend, I need it so badly! I can't wait to learn new things about TTapp and get my act together with the Thyroid Diet.

Okay so as you know I was gaining weight while I was pregnant, not a shocker, I had to eat about 600 extra calories a day and I had to stop working out completely, the morning of my D&C they weighed me of course and I was 286. So I ended up gaining almost 10 pounds in just those two short weeks! I had still been eating things that were Thyroid Diet friendly, but unfortunately pregnancy and me equals weight gain apparently! ( kinda makes sense now, the women in my family start gaining weight really fast when they're preggo, and they don't have thyroid problems...)

So here's my problem...after the D&C I just let myself go. I have been eating whatever I wanted the last week and a half and of course I'm still not working out. I finally got the okay on Friday, but I haven't yet. I'm very embarrassed and ashamed to say this (seriously my body is shaking as I'm typing this because I'm so frustrated with myself, and I would really rather not tell you all this. I'd rather you think I'm amazing and kept myself in control.). But I need to be honest with you guys. I actually haven't weighed myself since the D&C, but they are weighing and measuring me tomorrow at TTapp.

I honestly can't wait to start getting my life back on track, back on the Thyroid Diet and back to working out. My husband even told me that I'm happier when I'm on the Thyroid Diet, and he's right I am. So anyway. I'm very sorry if I have disappointed any of you, I hope you can all forgive me, I'm still in the process of trying to forgive myself! Well tomorrow starts my first day back on everything...HERE WE GO! Does anyone want to start with me tomorrow? I would love it if someone else did this with me. Start tomorrow! You can do it and so can I! Even if you aren't doing the Thyroid Diet, but you're doing another diet you love...DO IT! We can all do it together! Keep me posted. When I get back from my trip I will have another post, and I will tell you how everything went (including how much I weighed) :( Love you all! Have a wonderful weekend!