Thursday, July 7, 2011


Well hello there, so soon I know! But here I ammmmm :) If you couldn't tell I've truly missed you all! I want this blog to get back to where it started. Where people commented letting me know about what was going on in their lives and asked questions. Obviously it will still be about my journey with thyroid diseases in general, as well as the Thyroid Diet and T-Tapp

So what's going on? Hit me with what's going on!

I just got a beautiful message, actually from a family member, saying how much she loved reading my blog and how it helped her with what's going on with her even though our diseases are drastically different. And I realize I've been quite selfish to just leave you all. I did need time to heal from my third miscarriage and I thank you all for giving it to me but I shouldn't have just disappeared, I see that now. I want to be there for people. Up until a year ago, I never knew anyone else who had Thyroid problems like I did and I wish I had growing up. It would have been wonderful to know that other people were going through this as well and thought a lot like I did! I know how hard this disease can be, and it kills me to know there could be someone else who was in the same position I was my first 10 years of this disease. Alone.

I'm going to post a few more times right now. A couple of them are already on here, I believe they are #1 and 5 but since they were obviously so long ago and there are new people here I want them to be able to see the start of this blog. So forgive me for the oldies!


  1. Welcome back! I'm looking forward to sharing your journey with you. I have been only dealing with the hypo stuff for about 3.5 years, and am incredibly active, eating clean foods, etc. I gained about 40 pounds over the first few years. Currently, I am losing very little weight. I cut back sugar significantly earlier in the year and that helped me lose 15 pounds. When summer hit and I kicked up my activity, I haven't been as disciplined in my sugar limits thinking that my body needed that energy. I'm going to get back to the serious sugar limit and see if things jump start.

    I'm glad you are back, I'm glad you are feeling better.

  2. So do you feel good when you cut back your sugar? How much do you cut back? I'm glad it helped you lose 15 poounds and thank you, it feels great to be back :)

  3. I feel GREAT when I cut back sugar. It also means cutting out all alcohal too. When I lost the 15 pounds, I was limiting myself to 15 grams of sugar each day. That means limiting fruit to one serving per day of low sugar fruits like berries. I track everything on a website that tracks carb grams as well as sugar in the foods I eat. I also discovered an intolerance to eggs which means I can't eat cookies, cakes, mayo, etc. (unless the products are vegan). Between cutting out the eggs and the sugar I sleep better and feel much calmer. I highly recommend it.

  4. Wow that's exciting!!! I love when you can figure out little tricks to make you feel awesome!
