Okay friends!!! When I did the Thyroid Diet last year, I always had people asking me how to do the Thyroid Diet, what is the Thyroid Diet, and I don't want to buy the book so can you just tell me? I don't think anyone should do it exactly how I do it, because I like foods that you don't, or hate foods that you love. SO THIS IS STRAIGHT OUT OF THE THYROID DIET BOOK!!!!!!! THIS IS HOW YOU NEED TO DO THE DIET!!!! I figured I should put this up a little early so you guys can prepare before we start on Monday! Okay if you all have any questions please let me know! I'm so excited to start in 5 days! WOO HOOOOOO!!!! We also need more people to commit to the diet with our group! Come on friends!!!!
The Thyroid Diet
Mary J. Shomon
The Free Form Diet (There are 3 different Thyroid diets you can do, they barely differ from each other, but Free Form is the most common, so we'll all do it) :)
· Eat 3 meals a day
· Each meal should include 1-2 potions of lean protein
· Eat all the low-glycemic veggies you want, at least 6 servings a day
· 1-2 servings of low-glycemic fruit a day MAX
· A small serving of good fat with each meal and snack
· 1-2 snacks per day if needed (Don't eat after 8pm)
· Only have 1-2 small treats a week
· Drink 64 oz of water minimum each day
· Have a minimum of 25 grams of fiber a day
Women's Calorie Worksheet
655 + (9.6 x weight in kg) + (1.8 x height in cm) – (4.7 x age in years)
***Your weight in pounds, divided by 2.2 = Your weight in kilograms
***Your height in inches, multiplied by 2.54 = Your height in centimeters
Body Mass Index
A rough calculation is: Your weight in pounds / (height in inches squared) x 703.
· Healthy weight BMI = 18.5-25
· Overweight BMI = 26-30
· Obese BMI = 31-40
· Morbidly Obese BMI = Over 40
Setting Realistic Goals
Phase 1: Whatever BMI range you are in (Healthy, Overweight, Obese, Morbidly Obese) drop to the next lowest range
Phase 2: Drop again to the next lowest range
Phase 3: If you are already in the healthy range, get to where you are happy. If not, drop to the next lowest range.
**Continue to set small personal goals within each phase!
Low Glycemic Veggies:
Artichokes Asparagus Beans & Legumes Broccoli Brussels sprouts Cauliflower
Celery Cucumbers Eggplants Green Beans Green Peppers Lettuce
Mushrooms Spinach Tomatoes Zucchini
Higher Glycemic Veggies (Try to limit/avoid):
Beets Carrots Celery Root Corn Parsnips Peas
Red potatoes Rutabaga Sweet potatoes Turnips White potatoes Winter squash
Low Glycemic Fruits:
Apples Apricots Blackberries Blueberries Cantaloupes Cherries
Grapefruits Nectarines Peaches Plums Raspberries Strawberries
Higher Glycemic Fruits (Try to limit/avoid):
Bananas Clementines Grapes Honeydew Orange juice Oranges
Papayas Pineapples Raisins Tangerines Watermelon Dates, dried fruits
Plain cooked oatmeal Pita Bread Brown Rice Corn tortillas High-Fiber NSA cereal Peas
Bagels White flour bread Cakes Cold cereals Cookies Crackers Granola
Muffins Pretzels Refined flours Rice Rice cakes white sugar
Good Fats:
Avocados Canola Oil Cashews Olives Olive Oil Peanuts/Oil Peanut Butter
Almonds Corn Oil Fish Flaxseeds Mayonnaise Pecans Sesame Seeds
Sunflower Seeds Walnuts
Serving Size:
Veggies: ½ cup raw, chopped or cooked. ¾ cup juice. 1 cup raw leafy greens.
Starches: 1 slice of whole wheat bread. ½ slice of a whole wheat bagel. 2 cups of popcorn. ½ cup of whole grain cereal, pasta, brown rice, potatoes, corn.
Beef/Pork/Lamb: 3 oz
Fish: 5 oz
Poultry: 6 oz
Cheese: 1 oz (2 oz low-fat)
Egg: 2 eggs
Fats: 1 tbsp Oil or mayo. 5 lg olives, 7 sm olives. 1/8 medium sized avocado. 1 tsp Butter. 1 oz of nuts.
Fruits: 1 cup berries. 10 cherries. 1 small peach or apple. 1 medium plum or nectarines. ½ grapefruit.
Dairy Products: ½ cup lowfat milk. 1 cup fat-free or low-fat plain yogurt. ½ cup low fat ricotta or cottage cheese.
Things to do:
Eat spicy foods, drink more tea, snack on peanuts, add almonds, eat a big breakfast, eat three meals/day, eat a lighter dinner, eat slowly and chew thoroughly.
Things to cut back or eliminate:
Alcohol, caffeine, sugary soda/teas/juices, most sweeteners -except stevia-, multiple minimeals, don't eat after 8pm.